AIR BUD - Greatest of All
Not many sequels are a good as the first, but this is an exception. When Bud appears in his uniform you react much like if the band just started with a John Philip Sousa march. Bud makes you swell with good feelings. Like the first movie, the dog shots are real and not just special effects. You do not need to like football to be cheering. I find the only time ball games are a good spectator sport is when Air Bud is starring. But then I have a couple of golden retrievers and 10 other dogs. You don't need kids to love it.
New Guy For Mom and a New Sport
In this second movie based on real-life character Air Bud, Josh (Kevin Zegers) has a hard time dealing with his mother's attempts to date. His mom and the new vet hit it off and he gives Josh a football. Josh seems insulted but Buddy wants to play.
Things change when Josh discovers Buddy can catch footballs. Then he decides to go out for football as revenge against his mom's new guy. But it would not be an Air Bud movie is someone wasn't trying to get a hold of Buddy. This time it is a comic pair of Russians (looking like Boris and Natasha) who are stealing animals to put together a circus.
In the end this one works better than the other sequels. Unlike World Pup or Seventh Inning Fetch, we don't have the parents attending a game while being unconcerned about their missing children. This time the game goes on and only Buddy is missing. Also unlike the other movies, the rescue is not made by one of the kids.
All in all this is a fun movie, which...
As good as the first!
A wonderful first sequal!
Josh and Buddy are back in the high quality sequal and are still Basketball players for Josh`s school Basketball team!
Everything is going very smooth for Josh and Buddy the dog until his mom,who is played by someone else this time,starts dating a guy named Patrick and Josh just does not feel right possibly having a new dad.Patrick gives Josh a football and that gives Josh an idea how to get away from seeing Patrick and his mom together in the afternoons.He gets this idea from a good friend from school who tells him that football practice is in the afternoons,the same time Patrick comes to visit!Now,don`t get me wrong,Josh does not hate Patrick at all,but he just does not feel right for some reason!Josh signs up for football and really likes the coach,who is a nice,chubby man who loves all the kids who play on the team!
I swear I won`t tell you any more because I don`t want to spoil anything but remember.........see this...
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