Your soul is mine
"A sound soul dwells within a sound mind and a sound body." If a soul becomes evil, it has the potential to turn into a demonic kishin -- which is when the meisters and their shapeshifting weapon/partners come in. "Soul Eater Part 1" is a solid beginning to a well-written, deliciously Halloweeny fantasy series, with solid writing and a twisty-turny subplot that promises to get even better with time.
The meisters of the DWMA work for Lord Death to keep the world from being overrun with kishin -- they get rid of evil souls, kill monsters, battle witches, and try to collect souls so that their weapon/partners can become Death Scythes. Among their number are Maka and her scythe Soul Eater, narcissistic ninja Black Star and Tsubaki, and Death's OCD son Death the Kid and his twin pistols Patty and Liz.
But nabbing the right combination of evil souls isn't their only problem: they have to grapple with zombies and mad scientists, the legendary sword Excalibur, a...
Another Great Anime For All Of Us To Own
This series was a nice mix of Bleach, Full Metal Alchemist, and Naruto both with the action and comedy in the series. The characters are all great giving a nice mix of bravado, hilarity, seriousness, and loyalty to their teammates and each other when teams are paired up or join forces to complete a mission. The characters you meet in this first set are Maka a feisty young female Meister(Fighter and true human of the two person team), Soul her young male partner and weapon as he turns into a scythe for Maka to fight with in their missions, Black Star a young boy assassin in training, Tsubaki Black Star's slightly older female partner and also his weapon to help him, and finally Death the kid the son of lord death and his two female partners Patty and Liz Thompson who transform into twin pistols for him to fight with. All these characters attend lord death's school for young students to train them to retrieve keshin egg souls before they mature into true keshin, the series shows...
A Series Where Its Journey Is Better Than Its Destination
Soul Eater sits in a special place amongst current anime. It gives us a world that isn't terribly original, but it handles it in a way that seems fresh. It gives us exceptionally predictable character types, that in the end you come to like and believe in. It gives us an ending that, unfortunately, disappoints much to the chagrin of the excellence that preceded it. Yes, definitely there are great things to like about this anime, and even with a cliché ending, the work as a whole will leave you happy and refreshed that there still hope for this genre.
I won't go into too much detail about the plot itself, as many other reviewers have stated that above, and you could always look at the show notes for a brief summary. What I think would be good to note is the great things that this series does. Primarily, the best thing about Soul Eater is the characters. Yes, they do follow some standard character types that we've all seen before (Black Star could easily have...
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