Why Should I Buy This?
I already own the complete first 4 seasons of TBAA. All I know about this offer is that it contains 4 episodes, but what 4 episodes? Do I already own maybe 2 of them? Why would I want duplicates? Why don't they just release the complete seasons 5 thru 9? That's what I want.
I think TBAA was the best show ever on TV, but I am not going to spend my hard earned money on the slim chance that it MAY contain ONE of my favorite episodes, and it may also contain episodes I already own!
What are they thinking? I guess its the same old problem that plagues corporate America today. Profits before customer. They didn't make enough profit (boo hoo) on the first 4 seasons, so tough luck customer, this is what you get. Take it or leave it. Then they will sit back and wonder why they lost so many customers.
No thank you CBS or whoever decided you no longer care about what your customers want. You don't care what I want so I don't care to give you my money.
Hmm, why am I not buying this when I LOVE the show?
Touched by an Angel is one of my favorite shows. I'd love to collect all the shows on DVD eventually.
So why am I not buying this? First, it's four episodes. I've been buying other season box sets on sale for about the same price as this four episode collection. The actual season box sets for this TV series are sloooooooowly being released in 1/2 season sets costing about twice as much as a they should.
Listen up TBAA people! You have an audience waiting to buy the season box sets if you are REASONABLE! I can get full seasons of Supernatural or Heroes for less than 20 bucks each if you buy them at the right time. Why is a 1/2 season of this show twice the price, or a four episode collection the same price?
A classic show about the love of God and angels shouldn't be so greedy! I'm disappointed. And if I'm voicing this opinion, keep in mind that there are others out there with the same opinion who would never bother to write a review.
All told, there's a big...
Inspiration, Faith, and a whole lot of hope
I am satisfied with "Touched by an Angel". It is a great experience, and you feel like you can relate to the characters-along with the angels. My favorite angel is Andrew, the angel of death. He may be the angel of death, yet I feel that he is the most comforting angel. I think that this show helps to experience and understand what others are possibly going through, or what is happening in some places around the world. The list of episodes include the following:
> "Fighting the Good Fight" (Featuring Guest Star Muhammad Ali)
> "For Such a Time as This" (Featuring Guest Star Joe Spano)
> "Famous Last Words"
> "The Good Earth"
My favorite of these was "Fighting the Good Fight" which was built around the hardships of a little boy. I enjoy the episodes including little kids, for they are both fun and emotional. This disc is all about faith and trusting in God. These make great gifts (I am 13 and recieved this as a gift). God...
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