High BPM and a film noir feel...
"Malone" is a super noir-styled detective film with a high BPM rating (Bullets per Minute). Ultra-stylistically filmed, it tells the story of P.I. Malone (Thomas Jane from Hung) who has been hired by a mysterious woman to secure a braiefcase, the contents of which he doesn't know). The opening scene is a trap and the action lifts off from there and never stops...literally never stops. Ving Rhames is perfect as an ultra bad man and for those who remember the bad prison guard from The Green Mile (Percy), Doug Hutchison once again seems to be in love with fire in his role as 'Matchstick', a dude in love with kerosene and matches. Thomas Jane plays one tough dick and killing him is difficult to say the least. Even a bullet to the chest is received and discarded. The bomshell client is more trouble than she's worth indeed. Give 'em Hell is a great 'watch' for action fans as well as fans of the genre.
Malone is a classic scotch guzzling gumshoe. He narrates during the movie in the tough guy Sam Spade style. Early in the movie he is shot and goes to a retirement home to meet his mom, a Betty White knock-off, who nonchalantly removes the bullet from his chest. He meets a dame, who is every bit as tough talking as he is. One of the guys who is trying to kill him is a pyromaniac named Matchstick, who learned to act from watching Heath Ledger as the Joker. If fact he imitated the Joker so much, it was a bit annoying. Ving Rhames is a bad guy attempting to deal with emotional issues. The plot is confused and immaterial to the movie. There is also a stereo-typical oriental female killer, who is tough. How tough? Ving asks, "Do you know where she keeps her knives?" The comedy is light but good. Simulated oral sex, very brief nudity, and drops the MF bomb.
I Shouldn't Have Liked This Movie!
Snappy title, sounds like a film from the 70s. Give Em Hell Malone is one of those high octane action flicks that gives us just enough plot to move us from action sequence to action sequence. Most of it is gunfights and brawls as Malone, accompanied by a hot chick(of course) demolishes bad guys in search of fellow tough guy Ving Rhames, and the top crime boss. Like I said, not much plot. It's not about plot though, it's about action, and very comic bookish action at that. It's done with that highly stylized computer slow-mo bullet crap and whatnot, as to be expected. Sometimes the movie is like watching somebody play a shoot em up video game, like in the opening scene. The movie's obviously got it's tongue in it's cheek, and it shows as in a running joke that has Malone visiting his mother in a rest home every time he's shot so she can remove the bullet and patch him up. Of course there's a smoking hot, deadly Japanese samurai chick too. Thomas Jayne is always good for the...
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