Redeems the Franchise!!!
I still remember seeing the first Saw, and the shock and gossip about the hacksaw scene that followed. I was pumped for number 2 and actually enjoyed it quite a bit, I thought were climbing a hill of movie goodness here. Saw III followed and was interesting to say the least, I was happy it improved over on the 1st and 2nd and kept me interested in 4. Needless to say 4 and 5 plummeted the series like a skydive gone wrong...I was officially done with Saw after seeing 5.
Last week I fell to the curiosity of Saw 6 and decided to see it that weekend. I went into the theater with my 6 dollar soda, and 5 dollar skittles, sat through the 4 or so teenagers next to me giggling and talking through the entire 91 minute movie...then came the end credits.
I can honestly say after all was said and done my friends and I looked at each other with ear to ear grins. I was very happy with this 6th installment, and didn't feel so bad about the 20+ dollars I had spent to see...
The Best Piece of the Puzzle Yet!!!
Jigsaw's 6th puzzle piece was awesome and one of the best in the Saw franchise! It was a lot better than the previous film. There are a bunch of new and terrifying traps and twists. They tie up a lot of loose ends like what was in Jill's box, what Amanda's letter from Hoffman was about, and much more. Tobin Bell does another amazing job as Jigsaw who's legacy continues long after his death. Hoffman sets up a new game for William Easton, an executive at a health insurance company. He decides who to cover based strictly on probabilities of health or illness, which turned down Jigsaw when he had cancer. William must make impossible decisions such as who should live and die in the Carousel Trap, and who is more worthy of living. The game comes full circle! I highly recommend SAW VI!!!
Gross-Out Good Time With Political Undertones
Seeing the "Saw" films has become admittedly a sick tradition of mine. The films are consistently clever, but often ultimately disappointing. "Saw 6" was however one of the best in the series, as it maintains its integrity to the early entries while creating a convincing healthcare themed story that is both twisted and relevant. Don't expect the increase in quality to mean a decrease in gore - as this has its fair share of squint-n-squirm moments, but hey - you go to a "Saw" movie, you cannot be angry when the blood starts to run. If you like any of the other ones - even if you've been disappointed in the franchise lately, give this one a try. You won't be let down.
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