Spooks and Spies...the British edition!
MI-5 (or Spooks, its original title) is a long running, award winning British spy series that has enjoyed continued success in Britain and abroad. In the US however, A&E, PBS and BBCA have tried broadcasting the series (seasons 1-4) to universally disappointing ratings. It is no wander though: in order to accommodate commercials, each original episode was mercilessly cut down by a quarter of its running time (from 59 min to 45 min !!!), making it virtually incomprehensible. Thankfully, we have DVD's and can enjoy the series as it was intended! ;o)
Another good news is that Season 7 is the best yet and can be easily followed even without the benefit of the prior six seasons. In episode one we are introduced to a new character, Lucas North, a senior case officer released in a Russian-British spy exchange after eight years in a Russian prison. His story arcs thru entire season 7, though most episodes are self enclosed and deal with subplots relevant to today's viewer. We have...
As a long-time time fan of spy flicks and Le Carré novels, I've awaited each new season of MI-5 (Spooks) with mixed anticipation and low dread. Surely, I think, it can't keep up the standard of excellence, both in plotting and production values; surely this season won't be as compelling as last; thus I surely I inoculate myself against disappointment.
And once again I need not have bothered. This season of MI-5 is a nail-bitting as the first, maybe even better. As other reviewers remark, it's not at all necessary to have seen the first 6 seasons to enjoy these episodes. That's one of the many benefits of the ever-changing cast. The other, of course, is realism. In that business, the players don't survive indefinitely. Whether it's casting by choice or by default - several actors have used this as a springboard - the turn-over of the team keeps the plots fresh and keeps silly stuff to a minimum.
In the last several seasons it's been interesting to...
Western Promises
Tall, dark and handsome Richard Armitage (North & South) was still filming the final season of Robin Hood: Season Three when he joined the cast of MI-5. Taking up where Viggo Mortensen's character left off in Eastern Promises (Full Screen Edition), RA portrays Lucas North, a MI-5 agent imprisoned in Russia for several years. Swapped for a Russian spy in the first episode, North has sexy prison tattoos *check out Gnothi Seauton* and a burning desire to re-assume his rightful place in the intelligence agency. However, where do Lucas' loyalties really lie?
Tortured by flashbacks of harsh interrogation methods, North's readjustment pains are further heightened by the presence of his Russian former wife who has moved on with her life while he is haunted by the...
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