The Other One Was Better...
Which isn't saying much because I rated it a 3. DL was funny and Lavell Crawford was funny. Everyone else was just blah. I was disappointed by Arnez J. He's usually very funny, but this routine was weak. He tells these stories that aren't funny at all, and then he told that same recycled joke about his brother Rodney. He needs some new material. Interestingly enough, I've never considered DL funny but he was really funny on this. The female told some funny jokes but her delivery was wack. It was like she was reading a que card or something. I watched about 3 minutes of Earthquake, got sick of hearing the "f" and "b" words so i skipped through the rest of his, so I don't know how funny he was. Lavelle was the star of this one! He was soooooooo funny. His joke about McDonalds salads was hilarious.
I liked the other one better than this. Rent before you buy.
I'd usually prefer to rent comedy specials but after seeing this on Showtime I was convinced that this is a must have stand-up DVD!! D.L. doesn't disappoint as host! Arnez J and Melanie Comarcho do a decent job but Earthquake and Lavell absolutely murder the stage!! I've watched this 3 times since purchasing! It doesn't get old and it's a great DVD to throw on whenever you have some company!
I saw this on show time and i absoulutly LOVEE iT! I watched it 5-6 days in a row atleast twice a day! it waz soooo hilarious all the comedians are funny except the girl but every one else was funny im am definatly buying this!!! i would recomend to anyone if they want a good laugh! :)
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