Film Favorites...NOT!!!!!
I don't know who thought to lump these movies together, but they got it all wrong. I've been a huge Whoopi fan since her unforgetable acting debut in "The Color Purple". While I've been waiting with baited breath to see "Clara's Heart" finally get its due and be released here in the States on DVD (thank you!!!!), why link it to these other forgetable titles? "Made In America", "Bogus"...are you kidding me? If they wanted to compile a Whoopi collection why not focus on her dramatic roles; the ones that truly compliment "Clara's Heart such as "Sarafina" and "The Long Walk Home" both great and equally underrated movies. I guess "Corrina Corrina" falls in line, but I still think the choice of movies could have been better. Luckily "Clara's Heart" is worth the price of this collection by itself.
Just wanted one
I already owned Bogus and Corrina Corrina on DVD, and wasn't interested in Made in America. I just wanted Clara's Heart on DVD (already had it on VHS) and this was the only product that had it. So, I bought it. Actually, I'm glad I did -- my video cabinet is getting over-loaded so having 4 movies that fit into the space of one helps. As to the movies themselves, Whoopie does a fabulous job in all four. I just have a little problem with Ted Danson (Made in America) -- I don't particularly like his acting, but that's just my personal preference. Bottom line -- if you like Whoopie this DVD is worth owning.
Whoppie Goldberg Collection
I LOVE Whoppie Goldberg and having these four movies together is great! All of the 4 are excellent movies - ones that the whole family can enjoy. All of them involve children and their families, the modern day hardships that children experience - even though the movies are 10 years++ old - they still are relevant in what children experience. All of the movies are heart warming and very funny. My favorite is Corrina Corrina - and now that i have seen the others - they are great too. They also deal with the black/white issue - how children see it before they are jaded - how they work through it with love - not hatred. Excellent movies!
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