The Game Season 2 and Season 4??
The Game TV series is bad as hell!! (The good kinda bad) =P DVD's are great, and I just read on March 15th, on AOL Black Voices that BET FINALLY struck a deal with Paramount to develop NEW episodes of the show!! I PRAY this is true!!!
Keep em beggin 4 mo
Due to various work schedules, I finally got a chance to put the entire series of The Game in its complete sequence... The 1st & 2nd seasons have been like a bag of "chips" You just can't eat just one., I'm still scraping the bag for crumbs, I'm "jonesing" for season 3,.. Tia Mowry's finesses her craft to top notch perfection, The whole ensemble takes you on a trip and makes you want to jump back in line to ride again.. The celebrities musicians, athlete, appearances were smoothly casted and easily written in, male or female... "Music Soul Child" even has acting chops...
absolutely entertaining
This show is probably the best thing since entourage.... i dont think it can get better that this. Great cast, great plot, great episodes just all around a great show!!i've seen each episode on tv at least 5 times but i still had to get the DVD
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