surprisingly endearing little comedy
Sort of a cross between "Adventureland" and "Napoleon Dynamite," "Splinterheads" is a tremendously appealing indie comedy about a spastic, perennially put-upon doofus named Justin (Thomas Middleditch) who falls victim to some unscrupulous carnies who come to town. One of them is a beautiful young con artist who goes by the stage name Galaxy (played by the radiant Rachael Taylor), who has a domineering boyfriend (the wonderful Dean Winters from "Rescue Me"), and who sees qualities in Justin that others, including the lad himself, cannot. (A "splinterhead," apparently, is a worker at a carnival who specializes in roping in easily spotted suckers from the crowd).
Middleditch hits all the right notes in making the bumbling, stuttering, well-meaning Justin a wholly likable and wholly relatable figure. Ditto for the rest of the cast, which includes Jason Rogel as his even dorkier best buddy, Wayne; Christopher McDonald as the town's petty and overzealous sheriff; Edmund...
Very Entertaining
The Wife and I love this movie. It didn't good ratings but we like it. We first heard of it because of it's reference to GeoCaching. We first rented it from the library then we bought it because of the price. Silly but entertaining.
This was a bargain price for this video. I gave it to my friends as a gift for xmas. They absolutely loved it.
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