An awesome Sinbad comedy performance on DVD. Recommended!
I have been watching the comedian Sinbad for years. From winning "Star Search" back in 1985 and seeing him on television from "A Different World", "The Sinbad Show" and the host of "Vibe".
But for a comedian who has been on television for nearly two decades, when you haven't been seen for several years, people start to question if you're dead and in the case of the comedian, rumors filled the social media realm and Wikipedia that the comedian has died. That was until Dec. 2009 when the comedian was featured in the media for his tax problems.
Fortunately, the comedian hasn't shown any signs of slowing down. In fact, Sinbad's latest Comedy Central DVD "Where U Been?" is a sign that there are comedians that still can entertain and get the audience going crazy after a performance.
As his Comedy Central performance will be airing on television, the DVD features 45 minutes of material not shown on television. This latest performance is actually one of...
Laughed so hard
My husband and I came across this on Comedy Central and laughed harder than we have in a long time. It was funny and most important free of the many Bleep - bleep - bleeps that you find in most stand up acts these days. He was truly funny without bieng profane which is why I will buy the dvd (I hope the extra footage is equally as clean) Whats funny is I have to buy the DVD in order to le t my friends or teenager watch it because the commercials on Comedy Central are so bad...EVERY commercial break featured "Girls Gone Wild" (Naked women jumping around with litte censoring) and live girl party chat I will not suggest anyone watch it on Comedy Central....but I gave the actual video Six BIG stars. (Comedy Central gets a half a star)
Beyond Funny!!!!!!
This has to be the funniest stand up Sinbad has done yet!!!!!! I watched it the other night and about died laughing!!!!!! It's a must to see!!!!!
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