This is a rating/review of the DVD -not the show...
SuperJail is by far one of the greatest pieces of animation to hit TV in the last ten years.
Clearly it's not for younger viewers as it was developed for the AdultSwim programming block on Cartoon Network.
As I mentioned before this is not a review of the Show, but of AdiultSwim's DVD product.
While the show is great in and of itself, this DVD is not.
Once again Adultswim is releasing a DVD with an "UNCENSORED" sticker on the package (Like they did with the Metyalocalypse DVDs) when this content is still COMPLETELY CENSORED as it was on the original Cablecasts and "air dates".
This is ridiculous.
I bought this DVD to see this amazing show without the silly BLACK BARS over images and without loud BEEPS over language.
Instead only the animatics, -the auxiliary extra content- is free of censor beeps etc.
I hope Adultswim smartens up and eventually releases these shows uncut, uncensored as they are currently advertising -falsely.
What irritates me the most about this DVD is the "Uncensored warning" on the cover. Again this is only for the special features, NOT for the 10 episodes!!! This seems to be a trend with Adult Swim items. Just like Metalocalypes and Venture Brothers, this dvd is full of bleeps! What is the point of that? The main reason I collect these is to avoid the censorship and to enjoy them as they are meant to be viewed.
Why are these cartoons edited/censored?
Superjail! is a creatively gruesome cartoon suitable for the late night slot it was in on cable. Due to it's extreme nature it was never meant for anyone under 17. They should have kept the swears and sex (the censors have no problem with the ultra-violence however) and slapped an R or NC-17 rating on it. The censor beep is offensive to me. It shouldn't be on a DVD you buy.
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