A Great Price for an Incomplete Product
I have been a fan of "Jon and Kate Plus 8" since it debuted on Discovery Health. I have followed the show throughout its run and am a huge fan. I absolutely love that the seasons have been released on DVD. What I find frustrating is that the seasons are never complete. There usually seem to be missing episodes. And while the Season 1 & 2 combo had the first hour long special, "Surviving Sextuplets and Twins", the second hour long special that was filmed before becoming a regular series, "Sextuplets and Twins: One Year Later", has never appeared on any DVD release as a bonus feature.
This set is no different. There are episodes missing (including the series finale). Included as a bonus feature is the special "Kate: Her Story". However, when it originally aired it was an hour long special. Without commercials, it was between 40 and 45 minutes. The one included on this DVD set is severely edited and only runs about 15 minutes.
Here is a list of Season 5 episodes and...
Missing footage
While from what I can tell the eppisodes are complete the bonus of Kate: Her Story is only about 15min long which means thers about 30min of footage missing. That internview was an hour long, when you factor in commercials the interview was about 45min. It's bad enough that some of the other seasons are missing eppisodes, about 8 in all. But to put on an interview and edit it down is just WRONG. If they didn't want the whole thing there don't put any of it in.
the gosselins season 5
Well in this season the family fell apart and we see how fame and money get along sadly, but their own choice.
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