Great Memories from My Childhood.
I am so excited that GI Joe is on DVD & have added it to the list of DVDs I have purchased of cartoons from my childhood! The 1980s was the best decade to be a kid in!
G.I. Joe is a classic
If you like the old cartoons like thundercats and transformers, then you'll love G.I. Joe. It's easier to appreciate how awesome the cartoon is when you watch it as an adult because a lot of the ridiculousness that escaped you as a child is very obvious now. I would recommend this show to anyone and the dvd copies are great as far as audio and video. G.I. Joe is a true classic that will probably be enjoyed forever. It is certainly better than any cartoons that currently air and fits the old saying of 'they just don't make them like they used to'.
Nolstalgia Involved...
As a kid growing in the 80's, G.I Joe was a big part of my childhood, the toy line and the cartoon series were exceptional. I remember watching the cartoon every Saturday morning, those were the days before the "Wii" or the "Playstations" that takes off a lot of the kid's imagination nowadays. Is kind of weird to watch them again and realize they look a little silly now but to me is a way to keep a part of my beloved childhood memories alive.
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