A view from the author of "Horns, Hogs, and Nixon Coming"
I'm the author of "Horns, Hogs, and Nixon Coming," the 2002 book about this game and the events going on around it. Horns, Hogs, and Nixon Coming: Texas vs. Arkansas in Dixie's Last Stand Third Down and a War to Go
During the interviewing, research and writing process, I had a small TV with built-in VHS next to my computer and repeatedly watched a VHS of the broadcast. Slow motion, fast motion, pause, everything. It was from a showing on Arkansas television years later.
I was worried when I saw this DVD pre-listed that it would be the truncated version shown on ESPN Classic, which left out significant parts of the game and all but ignored Nixon's post-game visits to the dressing rooms to talk with, among others, Darrell Royal and Frank Broyles. Fortunately, it's a near-full version of the ABC broadcast, with Chris...
I waited all year to see this game in 1969. Unfortunatly the US Army had other plans for me. I was shipped to Germany just one week prior to
the game. A sergeant and I listened to the game on Armed Forces radio. This video was the first time I have seen the game. Even though I knew
what the outcome of the game was, I really enjoyed watching it. Any Longhorn fan or anyone that loves great college football games should own
a copy of this game. It ranks up there with the best ever played.
Texas vs. Arkansas Commentary
Relative to Mr. Luck's comments,I was fortunate to receive a copy of the full broadcast made directly from the ABC master perhaps ten years ago and the quality just isn't "good" compared to what we have become accustomed to. However,the quality "is what it is" and other than this, Mr. Frei's comments are accurate. His book was absolutely excellent and in-depth, covered all of the bases for the relevant materials, and remains the best of the summaries for this momentous contest. I also agree with Mr. Frei that the DVD could have included more but as an historical piece, it is deserving of purchase and thank goodness, falls more towards the "old school" manner in which college football productions were presented rather than today's ESPN media hyped, music-accommpanied, quick-cut addled messes. Mr. Frei's book is an absolute must for any college football fan, the DVD is a nice adjunct.
Dr. Ken Leistner
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