Rockin like never before
Being a bonafide Quo fan I'd say this is the rockingest concert I've ever seen. It's
Rock with a Capital "R". This concert does not slow down, & it has old & new Quo music, loved the setlist. Don't hesitate just buy it now.
venerable rockers Status Quo bring bone crunching boogie to the Montreux Jazz Festival...
Pictures Live At Montreux features the English band Status Quo in a tour de force performance at the world famous Montreux Jazz Festival, recorded in 2009. Befitting the event, the production of this is DVD is first class, as the band plays over twenty of their songs, in a show that runs about 100 minutes. Camera coverage of the large stage is good, and image quality is excellent, although at times the pace of the editing is a bit too brisk.
Going by different names prior, the band Status Quo was "officially" christened sometime in 1967. Their sound underwent a makeover in the early 1970's, becoming kind of a blend of blues, boogie, and good old fashioned foot stompin' rock and roll. With a mostly pure guitar sound, much like ACDC, Status Quo accomplishes a lot with a few basic cords, as the band excels in establishing a heavy groove and playing the hell out of it. Forging on through the years, these veteran rockers are now probably in a class by themselves. For over...
Great Concert By A Great Band
Superb says it ALL !!! Status Quo would have had a ton of hits in the US, if only they had been made available to the American market.
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